The Deal-Making Reality:

  • 70% of strategic alliances, partnerships and M&A deals fail to realise their intended contract value

  • 75% of all outsourcing agreements are renegotiated before the end of the contract period

  • Only 13% of organisations confirm that they realise all of the anticipated value from supply contracts

  • There is a lot of value (10%-30% of annual contract value) at stake based on how deals are negotiated, governed and how relationships are managed

What percentage of your deals delivers 100% of their intended value? How much revenue and profit should your organization be generating, but it simply doesn’t?

Negotiation can make or break your company. Mergers & Acquisitions, Alliances, and Strategic Partnerships are not just about transactions. They are commitments to work together to create value, and signing a contract is merely the beginning of that process. At least 30% of annual contract value is at stake when it comes to how outsourcing relationships, mergers and acquisitions and strategic partnerships are managed. Despite the promise of significant savings and top-line value for buyers and a predictable income for service providers, many outsourcing deals fail to achieve their anticipated results, often due to ineffective negotiation, relationship management, and governance.

In our work, we challenge the commonly taught and broadly advocated ‘deal-making mindset’ when it comes to negotiating long-term, high-value and complex agreements. Although just signing a complex deal might feel like an accomplishment, it is usually not enough to reap the intended value. There is no point to negotiation ‘victories’ that can not be implemented. Investing in a quality working relationship is the most critical step to ensuring that M&A or outsourcing value is fully realized, even more important than securing the best possible price at the outset of the deal.

Our results-driven and process-based BNA Negotiation Framework offers you and your organization synthesized negotiation best and leading practices that will help you: reach consistently higher-value agreements that are more likely to be implemented successfully, optimize your negotiated efforts over the life of the deal and to create and extract maximum value during:

  1. RFP, Evaluation and Selection stage of your procurement/sales cycle
  2. Formal Negotiations with your counterparts
  3. Transition and Implementation, protecting the intended value of your agreements when it’s time to put them into operation
  4. Post-Deal Relationship Management to ensure continued deal relevance and effective joint problem solving

Our Approach


If you think sending your teams to generic negotiation skills workshops is enough to keep your company competitive, think again.


The Strategic Negotiation Training Program is 100% customized to ensure we meet your specific business needs and objectives. We work with our Clients to build solutions to close the gaps that most erode profitability and tie skills development explicitly to specific, strategic company challenges.


A stand-alone training never works - reinforcement does. How do you get the advantage long term?


At BNA, we help Clients achieve sustainable performance improvements. We achieve this by building comprehensive skills development solutions that include: Individual Strengths & Weaknesses Analysis, Negotiation Training, Personal Development Plans Definition, on-going support, reinforcement and development.


We help Clients track the bottom line impact of our negotiation training programs


Based on your requirements we are able to define leading and lagging indicators of change, define metrics and tracking processes that produce information on 4 levels:

1. Reaction – 2. Learning Gains – 3. Behavioral Impact – 4. Business Results

About the Strategic Negotiation Training Program

What percentage of your business-critical deals delivers 100% of the value your organization needs and expects?

To achieve success in complex, long-term agreements, organizations must be able to negotiate effectively not only when making a deal but also after signing the agreement (during transition, contract implementation, and execution) to protect value and maintain profitable business relationships. There are lots of great negotiators out there, but still: 50-70% of all mergers and acquisitions, alliances, and strategic partnerships fail to deliver the intended value over time.

Negotiations have become more complex and more critical to business success. The Strategic Negotiation Training Program is appropriate for cross-functional teams where team members are responsible for defining and communicating your company’s value proposition to clients, negotiating agreements, implementing agreements, managing SLAs and client relationships until the contract value is fully realized. This program is designed to help you create and sustain cross-organizational collaboration and alignment for critical deals, instill common negotiation processes and standards, and build capabilities to ensure your most critical business relationships deliver maximum economic value over time.

We have designed and delivered customized Strategic Negotiation Training Programs for cross-functional teams composed of:

  • B2B Sales Professionals (incl. Managers and Directors)
  • Pricing & Marketing Team Members (incl. Managers and Directors)
  • Service Transition and Implementation Teams
  • Solution Architects
  • Service Managers and Service Team Members
  • Account Managers and Directors
  • Operations and Service Delivery Team Members
  • Project/Program  Managers and GPMO

If you are serious about improving your business results this program is not a ‘should’, it is a ‘must’. If you want the fastest results in the shortest period of time, this program is for you. There is absolutely nothing to risk and everything to gain.

You and your team will be equipped with the Negotiation Strategies and Techniques required for you to build profitable and sustainable business relationships with your business partners, key suppliers, customers, and stakeholders, as well as to realize the hard dollar value your organization expects from outsourcing and long-term, complex and strategic agreements.

When you decide to enter a long-term business agreement where money, time and your resources are at stake, you don’t want just any deal – you want a deal worth doing. In particular, you will be provided with practical negotiation preparation and engagement tools (Business Negotiation Blueprint) that will include, but are not limited to:

  • Negotiation preparation checklist
  • Price and value negotiation techniques
  • Negotiation SWOT analysis
  • Stakeholder mapping tools
  • Team selection and role definition framework
  • Effective governance framework
  • Concession strategy framework
  • Framing & reframing techniques for maximum results

If your organization is involved in complex negotiations with multiple stakeholders and long-term relationships to deliver high value, then we can help you and your team to implement a structured way to negotiate the best value through harnessing best and leading negotiation best practices.

The program derives from our best in class Strategic Negotiation Model, which has been instrumental for our Clients in obtaining exceptional negotiated results. The BNA Strategic Negotiation Model has been designed to:

  • help organizations successfully negotiate value maximizing deals
  • guide negotiators through various negotiation challenges present in high-stakes, multi-issue and complex negotiations
  • help professionals (and their companies) close profitable deals and realize the anticipated contract value over time
  • improve the value of sales and supplier negotiations and relationships, and
  • assist organizations and individuals in building a unique negotiation capability with the focus on the entire lifecycle of interactions between service providers and their clients – from RFP, through negotiation, transition, implementation, service delivery to subsequent contract renegotiation

High-performing organizations know that training alone is not enough to deliver sustainable behavior change and measurable improvements. The truth is that you can’t build a muscle in an hour, a day or even a weekend and progress is never linear. Only with total and continuous immersion, quality coaching and consistent spaced repetition can one optimize learning experience and achieve lasting results.

The Strategic Negotiation Training Program is designed to empower participants with the focus, training, and accountability they need to maximise the value as they sell, protect margins and increase revenues as they implement agreements and build strong working relationships with Customers throughout.

The Program answers these 2 questions:

  • How do you realize 100% value of your critical contracts and relationships?
  • How do you get the advantage long term?

The exact program content and its structure are driven by your specific needs, objectives, and budget. We have delivered Strategic Negotiation Training Programs that included:

  • A thorough Discovery & Design Process
  • Negotiation Strategy & Process Definition
  • A Series of 2-3-day Instructor-led Training Workshops
  • Individual and Group Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Negotiation Interventions – preparation for actual negotiations
  • E-learning and Virtual Learning
  • Negotiation Academy – access to an online, interactive platform + customized training modules delivered monthly
  • Follow-up Instructor-led Training

All our programs are built upon the fundamental premise that drives all our client engagement – RESULTS

Contact us to receive a formal proposal and a detailed overview of the program structure and content.


At, BNA Ltd we deploy a highly personalized, customer-centric approach when building and implementing customized training programs. At the end of the day, it is about delivering anticipated improvements to your people and company. We praise ourselves for being collaborative and working closely with nominated stakeholders in order to bring about maximum value to our Clients.

To achieve this, we implement a simple, yet very effective 4-step process:

  1. STEP 1: ASSESS – we will work with you and nominated stakeholders to identify and explore current challenges, opportunities, and negotiation performance within the relevant functions
  2. STEP 2: CREATE – here we will adopt the BNA Strategic Negotiation Model (a process-based methodology) to design a customized solution, and define your company’s new way of negotiating across the board, to help you achieve your specific business needs and objectives in the short-, medium, and long-term.
  3. STEP 3: DELIVER – the new way of negotiating is embedded into existing processes and strategies (instructor-led training workshops, coaching, consulting) and we help you create a culture of learning and accountability
  4. STEP 4: SUSTAIN – we work with you to sustain your new competitive advantage through ongoing support (e.g. coaching and consulting), Strategic Negotiation Academy (online, interactive platform) and customized virtual learning sessions/modules

Why Choose Us

  • Our Approach: Negotiation Preparation-Engagement-Review Cycle

  • The BNA Strategic Negotiation Model – a comprehensive and proven model designed to assist organizations in the establishment of an organization-wide negotiation capability

  • Process driven approach – BNA Negotiation Preparation & Engagement Toolkit

  • End-to-End Negotiation Skills Development Programs (as opposite to negotiation training)

  • Extensive Pre-event Profiling & Benchmarking – Individual & Organisational

  • Lagging Indicators & ROI – Sustainable Performance & Financial Improvements

What Clients Say

It was the best negotiation training I have ever attended.

David Wardell - Client Business Manager, Vodafone

I have just completed Michael’s negotiation course. Michael made the course very interactive and used a variety of different approaches in his teaching. He is clearly very knowledgeable with regard to negotiation. I used to run internal training courses for several years after receiving extensive training to do so. As a result, I am tough to impress. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the session and gained a lot of valuable learning.

Kevin Rayment - Business Improvement Manager, Network Rail

I attended a sales negotiation course run by Michael and he really knows his stuff. The courses he runs are full on and intensive involving group work, exercises and individual feedback. The skills you gain in such a short period of time are priceless. The knowledge gained from the course has significantly improved my negotiation skills and has ultimately helped increase the company sales revenue. I would highly recommend you speak with Michal to see what he could offer.

Jim Veitch. - Business Manager, Vascutek

I have become more mindful of my preparation and time spent before engaging with internal and external customers. Using negotiation skills and planning, I’ve been able to bring in 3 service orders for work (22 days of work, and >$10,000 in revenue).

Nichole Cunha - Project Manager, NGA HR

The Negotiation Training & Intervention delivered by Michael Zieba helped tremendously. The meeting with the customer who used to be very aggressive went very well and they very much want to partner with us to make this partnership successful. We executed our negotiation strategy and the customer has signed the biggest CR in the history of our company – £3.5M. Thank you very much!

K.L. - Regional Director , NGA HR